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Our Student Council

A Student Council is a representative structure for all the students in the school. It provides students with the opportunity to become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school management, staff and parents. It should always work for the benefit of the school and its students.

The Student Council has responsibility for:

  • Working with the staff, Board of Management and Parents’ Association in the school.
  • Communicating and consulting with all of the students in the school.
  • Involving as many students as possible in the activities of the Council.
  • Planning and managing the Council’s programme of activities for the year.
  • Managing and accounting to the Student Council and Board of Management any funds raised by the Council.

The Council’s Achievements

  • Creating the Code Of Behaviour in collaboration with management.
  • Bringing back the trousers option for students.
  • Updating the canteen in partnership with our SCP liaison person.
  • Surveying students and making a change to home school learning during the Pandemic.
  • Helping to run and organise activities and events in the school such as Wellbeing week, Numeracy week etc.