Our Mission Statement
Through a caring and collective approach St Tiernan’s Community School aims to:
- Encourage academic success, promoting quality in everything we do.
- Develop a well-rounded individual with a healthy physical, social, and spiritual outlook on life.
- Nurture a sense of respect and pride in each individual in the school and in the community.
- Maintain a positive, caring and disciplined environment.
- Provide a joyful educational experience for all.
The ethos of our school is founded on a respect for the dignity of each individual student and recognition of the unique gifts of each individual person. The school has a Catholic ethos but is open to and welcomes students of all denominations and none. An inclusive environment in which Christian values are fostered and all faiths are welcomed and developed in St Tiernan’s Community School.
Rewarding Excellence
St Tiernan’s encourages and rewards excellence in every area of school life through regular school assemblies where students are presented with a variety of achievement awards including:
- Academic Achievement Certificates, awarded three times annually.
- Bronze, Silver and Gold Cards for classroom effort/behaviour.
- Fergus Mowlds Trophy awarded to the student who achieves the best overall Junior Certificate exam results.
- The Andrew Donaldson Trophy, awarded to the student who contributes most positively to the community care programme.
- The Rita McGrane Trophy presented to the most outstanding Junior Debating team.
- Employee of the Year, awarded to the most highly commended Transition Year and/or Leaving Certificate Applied student from the work experience programme.
- Table Tennis Perpetual Trophy, awarded to the most outstanding First Year Table Tennis team.
- First Year Perpetual Sports Trophy, presented to the most successful First Year class at their Sports Day.